

6 Vital Elements of Contemporary Web Design [Part 3/3]

In the first post, 6 Vital Elements of Contemporary Web Design [Part1/3], we set the groundwork for our web design process. We build basic understanding about color theories and contrast psychology. In the second post, 6 Vital Elements of Contemporary Web  Design [Part2/3], we gone further with our web design process. We understand how visual hierarchy is helpful and what makes good UI. Let’s take the discussion to final but important points.

No. 5 –  Call To Action Elements

Websites have their own goals or reasons behind their creations. In order to achieve the goals of website, we attract visitors, engage them, and lead them to achieve final targets of our website. In due course, we need to push our visitors to trigger intended actions to reach a final destinations of their goals as well as goals of website in an amalgamated journey.

When we push or call our users to take desired actions, it terms as CTA (Call-to-Action) and the UI elements used in due process call CTA elements. CTA elements have many forms existing on the web like buttons (such as Add to CartAdd to BagBuy Now, Download, Purchase, Try Now, Sign Up, Log In, etc.)

Designing CTA Elements

A CTA-button has four important aspects to achieve the goals of the website and they are:

  • Placement: The place of the CTA element in web design holds much importance because if you place your CTA on the top section of the web page, your conversion rate may hit good peaks. Similarly, if you place CTA in a distinguished area of the web page layout it stands out prominently. For instance, middle of the web layout against the footer or sides. If you leave some negative space around the CTA, you can grab immediate attention of the audience easily.
  • Shape: Usually, rectangular shapes with rounded corners are more prevailing shape of CTA buttons, but textual links have some web standards to follow.
  • Message: Strong message in right language/words that your audience can understand may trigger more hits on your CTA. Supportive message/sentence/words may provide logical link with main message and purpose of CTA. Create urgency or scarcity through effective message to take actions.
  • Color: To evoke desired feeling for your CTA, colors are vital in triggering different reactions. However, you should be careful while using colors because their perception is subjective and based on culture of the target audience. For instance, contrasting colors in smaller button make it stand out easily while a bit less distinct colors on over sized button make it good fit in any UI.

No. 6 – Responsiveness

We are living in mobile era and our more than 50% audience use only handheld devices to access Internet. Thus, not creating mobile friendly or say responsive website is a sin. We designers have to design website for mouse and keyboard usage, for T9 keypads use, for handheld game controllers use, for touch interfaces on various devices, for different input methods, and numbers of modern browsers to test.

Through responsive web design, we make website accessible and working across the multiple resolutions, OS of the device, and hardware fronts of the client-devices. In due course, we should take help of…

  • Fluid Grids
  • Fluid Images
  • Media Queries

Hope you enjoyed reading this 3 part of “6 Vital Elements of Contemporary Web Design”. Use advance knowledge, tools, and technologies to design websites of any scale. It will help your client to get value out of you.

What are the other elements do you think that enhance your web design process?

Contact ALASTURE for any free consultation or Read more about our Web Design and Development Service.

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